How to disable automatic upgrades on Ubuntu 20.04
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To backup a MySQL database running inside a Docker container, you can use the mysqldump utility. Here are the steps to create a backup: Identify the MySQL container's name or ID: docker ps Look for the container running MySQL in the output and note its name or ID. Use mysqldump to create a backup: docker exec CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME sh -c 'exec mysqldump --user=YOUR_MYSQL_USERNAME --password=YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD --all-databases' > backup.sql Replace CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME with the actual container name or ID, and YOUR_MYSQL_USERNAME and YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD with your MySQL username and password, respectively. This command will create a file named backup.sql containing the backup of your MySQL databases. If you want to back up a specific database, replace --all-databases with -B DATABASE_NAME: docker exec CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME sh -c 'exec mysqldump --user=YOUR_MYSQL_USERNAME --password=YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD -B DATABASE_NAME' > backup.sql Replace DATABASE_NAME with the name of the database you want to back up. Secure the backup file: Make sure to properly secure the backup file by setting the correct permissions and storing it in a safe location. To restore the database from the backup file, you can use the following command: docker exec -i CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME sh -c 'exec mysql --user=YOUR_MYSQL_USERNAME --password=YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD' < backup.sql Again, replace CONTAINER_ID_OR_NAME, YOUR_MYSQL_USERNAME, and YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD with the appropriate values. This command will restore the database(s) from the backup.sql file.