Publish static websites with git
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seba@r7:~/$ git remote add live ubuntu@u22small:~/ git push live master:master ================================================== how to use git to publish a static website to a remove hosting server? Provided that you have root ssh access to the remote server To publish a static website to a remote hosting server using Git, you can automate the deployment process with a few steps. Here's a general workflow you can follow, assuming you have root SSH access to the remote server: Steps: Initialize a Git repository for your static website on your local machine (if you haven’t already): git init git add . git commit -m "Initial commit" Set up SSH keys (if not already configured) to allow password-less SSH login to your remote server: On your local machine: ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 Copy the public key to the remote server: ssh-copy-id root@your-server-ip Test if the SSH login works: ssh root@your-server-ip Set up a bare Git repository on the remote server. A bare repository is a special type of Git repository without a working directory, used as a central repository for pushing and pulling changes. On the remote server, create a directory for the bare repository: ssh root@your-server-ip Once logged in, create the Git repository directory: mkdir -p /var/www/html/my-static-site.git cd /var/www/html/my-static-site.git git init --bare Set up a post-receive hook to deploy the static files when changes are pushed to the bare repository: Navigate to the hooks directory inside the bare repository and create a post-receive hook: cd /var/www/html/my-static-site.git/hooks touch post-receive chmod +x post-receive Edit the post-receive file to automatically deploy the static files when changes are pushed: nano post-receive Add the following script (replace /var/www/html/live-site with the directory where you want the website files to be deployed): #!/bin/bash GIT_WORK_TREE=/var/www/html/live-site git checkout -f This will deploy the latest files to the /var/www/html/live-site directory whenever you push changes to the bare repository. Add the remote repository to your local Git repository: On your local machine, add the remote repository to your Git project: git remote add live ssh://root@your-server-ip:/var/www/html/my-static-site.git Deploy your static website: Now, whenever you want to deploy your static website, just push to the live repository: git push live master The post-receive hook will automatically deploy the static files to the /var/www/html/live-site directory on the remote server. Optional Improvements: Use a non-root user for security: Instead of using root, it’s better to create a dedicated user for deploying the website, with limited privileges. Use branches for staging/production environments: You can use different branches (staging, production, etc.) and have the post-receive hook deploy different branches to different directories. Automate build processes: If your static site uses a build process (e.g., Jekyll, Hugo, etc.), you can modify the post-receive hook to run the build commands before deploying.