Hello ! This is my first post about Drupal , and My very first post too!
In the real world: I have to work on a CMS , managing contents . I Tried WordPress , but someone else choose drupal (who really needs it!).
Here is when my travel starts:
What is drupal?
If you are reading this post, then you know something about Drupal: Its a CMS (content management system) a powerfull website tool . It lets us create dynamic websites (like this blog). It is used for community web portals, discussion sites, corporate web sites , intranet applications and many other sites. This type of sites has many features than html-static-sites.
How it works?
When a visitor see our page (client) , the webserver search the page index.php . Then this page start to work. It searches inside a database (located in our server- like MySql) ,search for image files (into the file system) , search for other php files and finally constructs a whole dynamic webpage.
See how it works:
**Do you want install Drupal? Really? **
Ok!, Welcome to Drupal!
First you will need:
- A computer with internet access
- A web server running (like our popular Apache)
- A Database server running (like our popularMySql)
- A Drupal ready-to-install-compressed-file
Getting Drupal Functional
1) I assume you have the computer with internet access.
2) Setting up a webserver manually requires an Article for a good explanation. I’ll write it soon , I promise.
Some people prefer dont get dirty , keep theirs hands clean (lazy people) and use a pack called XAMP
XAMP is a free , and easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP, and Perl for Linux and others OSs (Win and Mac)
More information at http://www.apachefriends.org/index.html
If you want download it , here you got links :
XAMPP for Linux 1.8.2 & 1.8.3
1.8.3 / PHP 5.5.9 | What’s Included? |
Download (32 bit) | 117 Mb |
Download (64 bit) | 124 Mb |
Also, exists Bitnami: a LAMP one-click solution

But it is only for begginers. Later you will learn how to set up apache server and mysql server manually.
This two packs also requires an Article for themselves.
Many Drupal administrators develop their sites on MAC/WIN os computres but later move then to a remote server
like AWS (Amazon Web services) .These serves almost always have an LAMP satck installed and running
To know more about XAMPP instalation and configuration read the next FAQ (May be we talk about it int other new post)
With few clics you will have your drupal site working. But you don’t know how to setting up and reconfigurate servers , then if you have troubles your only chance will be reinstall everything! .
At this point , we have running both servers (apache and mysql)
Creating the Database on Linux (debian based)
- Type * mysql -uroot – p*
- System will ask you about Mysql password, it have to be setted up in the mysql installation.
- Type create database databasename ; where databasename is a new name for your database.
- Type grant all on databasename. to newusername@localhost identified by ‘newpassword’ ;* where newusername , is the name of the database admin. and newpassword is the password for him
note: some internet sevices providers dont give you direct access to MySQL tools, and instead require you to create databases through interfaces like phpMyAdmin. Ask about it.
In the next post, we will see drupal in action.
Ariel Leonardo Campos
Geek Open Source Developer , Ex IT field support & Starwars Fan