Hello. This is my first linux review. I tested linux distros for many years and I like it.
I search several things in a distro:
- It must be “user friendly “
- It must be ” easy to install”
- It must have ” an excelent desktop enviroment”
- It must be ” easy-to- customize”
- It must have “a lot of apps”
- Recently I prefer “debian/ubuntu- based” distros .
- It must be “working-out-of-the-box”
Instalation Process
I downloaded and I Wrote Bodhi Linux alpha 3.0.0 image on my usb drive with “USB Image Writer” in few minutes.
No more burned dvds dropped to trash can. The iso image could fit on a CD , 669 MB.
This is the homepage link
This is the download link .
I installed this OS in a notebook Intel Dual Core win 3GB ram in a 320 GB hdd (no vm’s) because if I like an OS , I will use it.
I boot form usb and select install from the nice start screen. I got an Ubuntu-like instalation process, it lets install third party software (mp3 codecs)
I Selected “Erase the disk and install Bodhi using LVM”
Very few steps left : I Choose my city and keyboard language. Then input username and pcname ( a password also is required) and reboot.
OS Description
The goal of Bhodi is give a Minimalistic OS , a Simple and Quick OS .
It has an appcenter , you will need it because Bodhi has few apps installed by default . It uses Midori to surf the web (I dont like it yet) and the Desktop is Enlightment (E17)
Bodhi has a Wiki to read documentation too.
Brief: We have an Elegant and quick performance distro. Honestly I dont like Enlightment , I think it’s not for kde/gnome regular users ,Its menues are pretty original but they turns very confusing sometimes .The entire desktop is the menu , when you left-click on it, you will get the start menu. Its Gadgets displays info.
The Gui: Is fast & elegant but has limited customization options and themes perhaps its an alpha version. It has a quickstart page with serveral articles for beggining with Bodhi and E17 .
You will have some buttons in a bar in the top of screen with basic functionality ( main menu, hour, power off, battery , keyboard language, etc).
Was Hard for me to connect a simple wifi and save some files in my usb drive.
Conclusion: It’s a good idea, lighweight and elegance. But still needs development to be confortable for common users. You need spend time to deal with enlightment. It needs more gadgets and themes to customize the desktop. It has fewest amount of apps in a distro . And the iso size is 669mb It is not what I searching for.
My calification
- Easy Instalation : 8
- LoginScr:8
- Performance : 10
- GUI : 6
- User friendly: 5
- Customization: 5
- Like: 5
- AppAmount:2
- Out-of-the-box: 5
Total: 6 Details Live boot: yes Desktop : Enlightment (E17) Browser: Midori Based on: Ubuntu 14.04
Ariel Leonardo Campos
Geek Open Source Developer , Starwars Fan & Ex IT field support