Hello, it is my third Linux distro-review . Actually  I have a favorite distro (deepin linux) , so I will categorize in three types :

1) Home users 2) Gamers 3) Workstations

Also I will use my categorization of components:

  1. It must be “user friendly “

  2. It must be ” easy to install”

  3. > It must have ” an excelent desktop enviroment” >

  4. It must be ” easy-to- customize”

  5. It must have “a lot of apps”

  6. Recently I prefer “debian/ubuntu- based” distros .

  7.          It must be “working-out-of-the-box”
  8.          It must be rocksolid stable.

Ok , lets rock !! :)

Instalation process

This time I installed “Snow linux” inside Virtual Box. Its a good practice work inside a virtual machine. Because, you can set up a safe work environment , and you can change your Host OS without impact your Work OS .

The Instalation process is very simple. I downloaded the ISO image and setup in Virtual Box.

Here you can access the Snow Linux home page http://www.snowlinux.de/ 

Also I put the download links below.

Version Codename Package Base System Base Status
4 Glacier Debian Wheezy Debian Support until February 2016.
4 Frosty Raring Ringtail Ubuntu Support until January 2014.
3.1 Crystal Debian Squeeze Debian Support until February 2014.
2 Ice Debian Squeeze Debian Support until February 2014.
1 Cold Debian Squeeze Debian Support until February 2014.
3 White Quantal Quetzal Ubuntu Supported until April 2014.
2 Cream Precise Pangolin Ubuntu Long term support release (LTS),supported until April 2017.
1 Winter Oneiric Ocelot Ubuntu Supported until April 2013.

OS Description

Snowlinux is a Linux distribution for beginners and professionals that offers a traditional desktop , based on Debian. “Snow” is stable and fast Linux distribution, better than most others.

Its goal is to be  an friendly distro debian-based offering a traditional desktop not unity. The distro I downloaded has Cinnamon and traditional Gnome.

The artwork is kool , lightgrayed backgrounds and icosns makes a perfect work-desktop .

This is my Snow-desktop , see the screenshot:

Snowlinux4 64


Snow Linux Glacier is a fast-stable OS usefull for work. Icons are clean and nice. Cinnamon is good.

Also Brings some applications like : Libreoffice, Firefox, Thunderbird, Pidgin, Transmission,Brasero, Rythmbox,Shotwell , Gedit, etc.


Its a very good performance and stability with a clear desktop environment. Lacks some tunning and customizing options , and some innovations. But is good to work on it.

My calification

  1. Easy Instalation : 8
  2. LoginScr: 5
  3. Performance : 10
  4. GUI : 7
  5. User friendly: 7
  6. Customization: 5
  7. I Like it: 7
  8. AppAmount:7
  9. Out-of-the-box: 7
  10. Rocksolid Stability: 10

**Total: 8 **

  • Live boot: yes
  • Language Support: Complete
  • Desktop : Cinnamon, Gnome
  • Browser: Firefox
  • Based on: Debian


For WORK: 9   For HOME: 6  For GAMING: 5