Ascii Art tools


Following are some ASCII art tools and output examples

$ figlet worklog

__      _____  _ __| | _| | ___   __ _
\ \ /\ / / _ \| '__| |/ / |/ _ \ / _` |
 \ V  V / (_) | |  |   <| | (_) | (_| |
  \_/\_/ \___/|_|  |_|\_\_|\___/ \__, |

$ toilet worklog

                      #      ""#
m     m  mmm    m mm  #   m    #     mmm    mmmm
"m m m" #" "#   #"  " # m"     #    #" "#  #" "#
 #m#m#  #   #   #     #"#      #    #   #  #   #
  # #   "#m#"   #     #  "m    "mm  "#m#"  "#m"#
                                            m  #

$ cowsay "worklog here"

< worklog here >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

There are different type of pets you can use with cowsay !

$ ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows

apt.cow beavis.zen.cow bong.cow bud-frogs.cow bunny.cow calvin.cow cheese.cow cock.cow cower.cow daemon.cow default.cow dragon-and-cow.cow dragon.cow duck.cow elephant.cow elephant-in-snake.cow eyes.cow flaming-sheep.cow ghostbusters.cow gnu.cow head-in.cow hellokitty.cow kiss.cow kitty.cow koala.cow kosh.cow luke-koala.cow mech-and-cow.cow meow.cow milk.cow moofasa.cow moose.cow mutilated.cow pony.cow pony-smaller.cow ren.cow sheep.cow skeleton.cow snowman.cow sodomized-sheep.cow stegosaurus.cow stimpy.cow suse.cow three-eyes.cow turkey.cow turtle.cow tux.cow unipony.cow unipony-smaller.cow vader.cow vader-koala.cow www.cow

Just use -f param to select the pet:

To output ascii art inside emacs: execute command shell with prefix to insert the output

C-u M-!

cowsay -f gnu "Magic Happens Here!"

< Magic Happens Here! >
    \               ,-----._
  .  \         .  ,'        `-.__,------._
 //   \      __\\'                        `-.
((    _____-'___))                           |
 `:='/     (alf_/                            |
 `.=|      |='                               |
    |)   O |                                  \
    |      |                               /\  \
    |     /                          .    /  \  \
    |    .-..__            ___   .--' \  |\   \  |
   |o o  |     ``--.___.  /   `-'      \  \\   \ |
    `--''        '  .' / /             |  | |   | \
                 |  | / /              |  | |   mmm
                 |  ||  |              | /| |
                 ( .' \ \              || | |
                 | |   \ \            // / /
                 | |    \ \          || |_|
                /  |    |_/         /_|

cowsay -f cock "Magic Happens Here!"

< Magic Happens Here! >
     \  /\/\
       \   /
       |  0 >>
 __((_<|   |
(          |
   |      |
   |      |
   /\     /\

cowsay -f tux "Magic Happens Here!"

< Magic Happens Here! >
       |o_o |
       |:_/ |
      //   \ \
     (|     | )
    /'\_   _/`\

$ apt-cache show jp2a

Package: jp2a
Source: jp2a (1.0.6-5)
Version: 1.0.6-5+b2
Installed-Size: 36
Maintainer: Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <>
Architecture: amd64
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.7), libcurl3-gnutls (>= 7.16.2), libjpeg62-turbo (>= 1:1.3.1), libtinfo5
Description-en: converts jpg images to ascii
 Small utility that converts JPG images to ASCII using
 libjpeg. jp2a is very flexible. It can use ANSI colors and
 html in output.
 jp2a can also download and convert images from Internet via
 command line.
$ jp2a  --invert

       :xkkdc;.       .;dkkkc
     .xkx:.              .dkkx.
    ;kx,           .       lko,                          .
   ;kx         .;'....     .kk.      ;Kl       .00      cx.
   kk.        :.            dk,   .,,oMc  .,,. .MK ',.  .'.  .,,'   ....,,.
  .ko        'c             xx. .XX:,xM:.KO,;N0.WXxlOMk xM; do::0W, dMOccNW.
  .kc        .x            ;k.  OM,  cM:xMd::KM;WN   XM.oM; .:llkMc lM:  kM,
   kd         ;l.   .    .cl    OM;  cM:xMl.....WK   KN oM;,Wk. cMc lM:  kM,
   lk.         .cl;,',;:c,      ,WX:;0Ml.XX:..,.MX..oN; dM;;M0;:0Mc oM:  OM,
   .xxc.           ...           .;c;.:,  ':cc:.;ccc,   ':. .cc'.:' ':.  ,:.
    .xkc                                       .
jp2a  --invert  --chars="..xxii"


jp2a  --invert   /home/seba/Portrait.jpeg

            .,'......    ...'l0NN0:
           ,;........    .....,xXNXo

List of packages to investigate

figlet - Make large character ASCII banners out of ordinary text
toilet - display large colourful characters in text mode
toilet-fonts - collection of TOIlet fonts
libaa1 - ASCII art library
libcaca0 - colour ASCII art library
aa3d - ASCII art stereogram generator
libaa-bin - sample programs using aalib
aewan - ASCII-art Editor Without A Name
ascii - interactive ASCII name and synonym chart
ascii2binary - Convert between ASCII, hexadecimal and binary representations
asciidoc - Highly configurable text format for writing documentation
asciidoctor - AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby
asciidoctor-doc - AsciiDoc to HTML rendering for Ruby (documentation)
asciinema - Record and share your terminal sessions, the right way
asciio - dynamically create ASCII charts and graphs with GTK+2
aview - A high quality ASCII art image viewer and video player
bb - ASCII-art demo based on AAlib
cadubi - Creative ASCII Drawing Utility By Ian
aajm - ASCII art version of jugglemaster
caca-utils - text mode graphics utilities
linuxlogo - Color ANSI System Logo
stegsnow - steganography using ASCII files

Author: root

Created: 2019-10-12 Sat 22:16

Emacs 25.2.2 (Org mode 8.2.10)
